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All around you - Все вокруг тебя - топик. English topics, топики по английскому языку с переводом для студентов и школьников. | English Web Country:
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    All around you - Все вокруг тебя

    The world is full of wonderful things. You see the blue sky and the grey rain, the black night and the shiny stars, trees and mountains, seas and sunshine. These things are the world, and they are all around you.

    It's interesting to know why we need the Sun, why the moon is bright, what animals live on the Earth.
    The world we live on is a big round ball. It's turning all the time, but we can't feel it.

    The Sun shines on the Earth the rain falls on it.
    Different plants grow on the Earth, different animals live on it. The forests are full of berries and mushrooms.

    There is water around the land. It's called the World Ocean. There is life in the Ocean too. Different sea animals and fishes live in the ocean.

    Nature gives us every thing we need for our life. People grow food on the ground. Animals give us meat and milk. We must take good care of nature.

    Keep your eyes and ears open and you'll see a lot of interesting thing around you.


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